SEX: Male
AGE: 18 (human years)
SPECIES: Wolfdog (allegedly)
BIRTHDAY: December 5th (Sagittarius)
TYPOLOGY: so9 - ESE - 974 - EF(S) - SLUAI
Luther is a fun-loving social butterfly, and he is the glue that binds the city dogs group together. He couldn't bear to be without them, and he's always checking in with them to make sure everything's alright. After sneaking onto a coastal passenger ship for a bit of adventure, Luther is separated from his group after a bad storm renders him a castaway, no choice but to head into the great forest and find his way back to the city alone...

Luther is talkative, curious, very social, and affectionate. Very concerned for the wellbeing of his friends and considers them more important than anything, himself included. He can be a bit gossipy and can interrupt others sometimes, and he struggles to pay attention for very long. A bit immature. Has a simultaneous fear and draw to the unknown. Despite his predominantly cheerful and friendly disposition, he can suffer from pretty deep bouts of melancholia when in distress. Hates to be alone. Afraid of the ocean.
Part of the city dogs group. Though Luther would say his whole group are his best friends, Zelen is closest to him out of everyone. Luther cares very deeply for him, and their last big argument is a major sore spot for him, considering it happened the day Luther vanished into the storm and he hasn't been able to contact Zelen since...Daveren
Part of the city dogs group. Daveren is known to activate Luther's wilder, more imaginative side, and the two very often get into trouble when left to their own devices. Zelen and Vogel have to clean up after them a lot...Vogel
Part of the city dogs group. Luther regards her as very strong and wise, and takes any advice she gives him pretty seriously. Simultaneously, he tries to avoid getting on her bad side as she can be rather strict when annoyed with someone.Konijn
Part of the city dogs group. The one who activates Luther's more creative, contemplative side. She has often (unintentionally) inspired him into going on adventures with her musings and 'what-ifs.'Drache
Drache is the first person Luther encounters after he gets lost in the forest. Drache's true identity as a spectral beast is obscured to him for quite some time. After witnessing the harassment Luther receives from the other spectral beasts and mistreatment from some of the wolves, she becomes extremely protective over him, willing to fight and even kill if it would save him from his torment. Luther values her greatly, since she's one of the few strangers who treats him normally during his time as a castaway.Hidden Sky
The first wolf that Luther encounters in the forest. Luther sees her as a very kind and soft-spoken person, and another of the few new strangers he knows that will give him the time of day. Sky wants to help him, but is very concerned with the treatment he'd receive from Rock and some of the other wolves, and is torn between what she can do for him.Rock Flower
The second wolf Luther meets. Rock is very aggressive towards him on their first meeting and is generally unpleasant towards him thereafter, so Luther is terrified of her. If not for Sky then she would have sent Luther back into the woods alone, not wanting him to seek shelter in their pack.
art by others
(...and much more art on his toyhouse page...)

- Voice claim: ???
- Associated animal(s): Bat, wolf, dog
- Luther is one of my oldest OCs and he has changed very little since I first drew him, which was in May 2008 when I was 12 years old. He is probably my most well-loved OC and I cherish him quite a lot...
- The stamps at the top of this section are authentic preserved 2000s relics from my old DeviantArt accounts.