WRL's Enneagram Cleanup Project

Descriptions preceded by book titles are substantially the same as the ones from the unofficial MTL English translations that you can (maybe) find online, but I've attempted to clean them up and make them more legible & natural-sounding in English (sometimes with some minor additions from myself that weren't in the books), because reading through all the poor MTL was frustrating for me as a native English speaker, and the existing PDFs/docs in either language are sometimes not easy to find, either.

However, the following text will also partially be my own interpretation of what the MTL was trying to say, my own pre-existing knowledge of the Enneagram, as well as my attempts at translating some of the original Spanish wherever the MTL really shit the bed (if I've managed to find the original Spanish text...), to try to make these as legible and cohesive to the original text & my understanding of the types as possible. This is also not referencing complete works, but only the descriptions & sections that I think are most relevant to the type, so I'll be skipping a lot of anecdotal & fictional descriptions.

I can't speak Spanish, nor am I close with anyone who knows fluent Spanish, so there will be translation errors since I have no way of knowing for sure what the original Spanish text was saying. Nobody else was doing it, so I took it upon myself. Don't get mad at me, okay? lol

PLEASE try to seek out original sources rather than just take information from this text. I'm one typology hobbyist with my own interpretation of the text & system, who can't speak the original language, so I shouldn't be treated as a one-stop source for these things.


Enneatype 1 - "Anger"

"Wrath" / "Anger"
(Spanish: "Ira")
(Spanish: "Perfeccionismo")
SOCIAL 1: "Superiority"
(Spanish: "Superioridad")
SEXUAL 1: "Vehemence"
(Spanish: "Vehemencia")
(Spanish: "PreocupaciĆ³n")

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